Tubular four branch manifold

Noticed a fuel smell from the car at start-up, and after a good rummage underneath the car, I found the four-branch manifold had split. The exhaust also had a split, so I suspect when I hit the raised manhole it also clipped the exhaust and split the four-branch manifold.
Got the manifold welded up at Redline Racing and an additional plate welded on the back to make it stronger.
Pained with white manifold heat paint.

Once dry, I wrapped it with some exhaust wrap and secured the exhaust wrap with some stainless exhaust wrap ties. The manifold smoked for days when I put it back in the car 😒but hey, that's just how it is; the alternative is to put it in the oven on gas mark 8 for a few hours, then buy a new oven.


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